Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hopes are high for workers at Pusan's Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction

Our Position on the Violence and Abuse of Public Power by Police
and the Normalization of Relationships within Hanjin Heavy Industries
July 11, 2011
The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) has been praying and making every effort for God’s will to be done on earth. On the 10th of July, the Korean police illegally and brutally put down a peaceful march by citizens demanding a resolution to the situation of workers whom Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction (HHIC) had laid off. With grave concerns, the PROK hereby states where we stand.
1. We strongly condemn the police illegal and violent suppression of this peaceful march!
From the death of two union leaders, Park Chang-Soo in 1991 and Kim Joo-Ik in 2003, to the present rightful struggles of workers against their illegal layoff, we are aware of how harsh the oppression of the workers at Hanjin Heavy Industries has been. On the 9th of July, which is the 185th day of this year’s struggle by the workers, over ten thousand citizens rode 195 Buses for Hope to the second large rally in front of Busan Station and held a Solidarity and Hope Concert calling for the resolution of the situation of the laid-off workers and particularly the safety of labour leader Kim Jin-Sook. Later the citizens marched peacefully to meet with Kim who has been protesting by occupying the 35-metre high shipyard crane #85. Armed police blocked this peace march and during this confrontation, at around 2 o’clock in the morning of the 10th, police fired liquid tear gas and water cannons toward the citizens, then, using their riot shields, rushed the marchers, took innocent citizens into custody, and finally scattered the crowd.
Among those who participated in this peaceful march were disabled people, minors, and the elderly. Nevertheless, the police violently charged the crowd, using water cannons and liquid tear gas fluid, even brutally targeting people’s faces directly. It was revealed that nearly 100 people have either been burned or injured this day by the police water cannons and liquid tear gas.
We have to ask for whom the police exist and what they serve. We cannot help but lament this reality in which the police, who should be protecting citizens and guarding democratic order, instead become private soldiers of Chaebol conglomerate corporations and commit violence on citizens even more severely than hired bullies would. The police should publicly apologize concerning this incident to the people of our nation and those who are responsible for this incident should be strictly punished.
2. Hanjin Heavy has to reinstate laid-off workers and open all information on their order-receiving process!
For workers, layoff in fact means death. Hence, plausible grounds and criteria must always be provided in the case of layoffs. However, Hanjin’s layoff this time clearly violated the employment agreements by setting forth no future restructuring plan. (2007.3.14, 2010.2.26) Furthermore, Hanjin Heavy Industries is under suspicion for having been concealing received orders. For the past three years, the company has justified its layoff through an alleged lack of orders. They laid off 170 workers this past February, and then distributed 17.4 billion Korean won to their shareholders as a dividend. In addition, right after the union called off their strike the company announced an order receipt of six orders for vessels.
According to an insider from the Metal Unions, it is necessary to have 3000-4000 workers to be able to properly produce received orders but currently at Yeongdo Shipyard there are only 620 regular workers and 700-800 subcontracted workers. It is inconceivable that Hanjin had to perform a layoff when the company was actually in absolute need of more workers.
This circumstance compels us to conclude that the management intends to gradually reduce production at Yeongdo Shipyard of Busan region and eventually establish Subic Shipyard in the Philippines, where labor is cheaper, as its central production line. This leads us to reason that there may be a second and third restructuring. While Subic Shipyard may bring a larger profit to some of those in Management, due to this kind of restructuring the workers in the Busan region will lose jobs and livelihood. In the long run this move will cause a significant loss in the economy of the Busan region and of the entire country as well.
To alleviate this suspicion, Hanjin will have to release all the information related to the process of receiving orders. And also, Hanjin will have to withdraw its violent layoff policy and reinstate all the workers who have sweated blood for the company.
We, the PROK, declare our appeals as follows. We will also march in prayer with all the people of the country to put an end both to the violence of the police, whose action destroys democratic order, and to the misdeeds of the Chaebol corporations of Korea.
Our Appeals
1. We appeal to President Lee Myung bak. The violence by the police took place with the knowledge of the president and this obviously deserves a public apology.
2. Cho Hyun-Oh, Chief of the National Police Agency, and Seo Chun-Ho, Chief of the Busan Police Agency, overused their public power, violently repressing a peaceful protest, and therefore must be discharged.
3. Hanjin Heavy Industries must release all the suspect order receipt information and reinstate all laid-off workers.
4. The government must investigate Hanjin Heavy Industries on its poor management and suspicious order receipt process and punish those who are responsible for the debacle.
5. The government must proactively arbitrate in local economy and employment problems.  
6. The government must make a strong regulation regarding layoffs caused by poor management.
7. All civil detainees who participated in the peace march must be released.  
General Secretary
The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK)
Chairperson, Church and Society Committee

Friday, July 01, 2011

Posted pictures of money on Facebook: Questions about values

There are at least two Facebook friends of mine who posted pictures of money in local currency on their wall. When I saw the pictures of bundles of money posted on one's wall I'm disturbed. For many people it is inappropriate to display bundles of money, personal wealth such as jewelries, expensive clothing, high tech equipments and other things that publicly displays one's economic power and superior lifestyle. I think there is more to it than just showing them on a social networking website. It redounds to the question of values. I don't question other people's values in any sense, but my concern is about what values are revealed in posting pictures of money and wealth.

I think when people post pictures of money and wealth on their wall on Facebook there is this fascination about wealth. This springs from their desire for power, prestige and social acceptance. They may be fascinated to show to people that they have economic power especially the money to buy what they want and tell others that he or she is NOT impoverished and powerless as he/she used to be. At the subconscious level this behavior is an assertion of one's new identity and capabilities.

Yet still the values that are shown in this behavior are those that can be classified as materialistic. Money and wealth preoccupies the heirarchy of values in one's life. Of course one's life and family is on top of that value system, but when it comes to social relations, that is, one's acceptance to society, such as relating with friends and other people, money and wealth is believed to be of prime importance. In most religions there are teachings of the greater values that people shoul internalize, emulate and share with others. Christian values of love, respect, justice, peace, moderation and self-sacrifice have been emphasized. However for people who grew up in economic deprivation have the tendency to take on materialistic values, that money and wealth ensure social power and influence.

On the extreme the acceptance of Christian values of self-sacrifice instilled by the church in the minds of its adherenrs especially in colonial times was a means of control on the oppressed classes of people. The lavish and comfortable life of the friars and the feudal lords had been justified by the colonial church values. The sacrifices of adherents to Christianity are intilled in the minds of the people as their "service to God." This blinded the people to the oppression and exploitation that they'd experience.

So before you post pictures of money and wealth on your wall on Facebook think several times before you do it.

Posted pictures of money on Facebook: Questions about values

There are at least two Facebook friends of mine who posted pictures of money in local currency in their wall. When I saw the pictures of bundles of money posted on one's wall I'm disturbed. For many people it is inappropriate to display bundlea of money, personal wealth such jewelries, expensive clothing, high tech equipments and other things that publicly displays one's economic power and elite lifestyle. I think there js more to it than just showing it on a social networking website. It redounds to the question of values. I don't question other people's values in any sense, but my concern is about what values are revealed in posting pictures of money and wealth.

I think when people posts pictures of money ans wealth on their wall on Facebook there is this fascination about wealth. This springs from their desire for power, prestige and social acceptance. They may be fascinated to show to people that they have economic power especially have to money to buy what they want to tell others that he or she is impoverished and powerless as he/she used to be. At the subconscious level this behavior is an assertion of one's new identity and capabilities.

Yet still the values that are shown in this behavior are those that can be classified as materialistic. Money and wealth preoccupies the heirarchy of values in one's life. Of course one's life and family is on top of that value system, but when it comes to social relations, that is, one's acceptance to society, such relating with friends and other people, money and wealth is believed to be of prime importance. In most religions there are teachings of the greater values that people shoul internalize, emulate and share with others. Christian values of love, respect, justice, peace, moderation and self-sacrifice have been emphasized. However for people grew up in economic deprivation have the tendency to take on materialistic values, that money and wealth ensure social power and influence.

On the extreme the acceptance of Christian values of self-sacrifice instilled by the church in the minds of its adherenrs especially in colonial times was a means of control on the oppressed classes of people. The lavish and comfortable life of the friars and the feudal lords had been justified by the colonial church values. The sacrifices of adherents to Christianity are intilled in the minds of the people as their service to God. This blinded the people to the oppression and exploitation that they'd experience.

So before you post pictures of money and wealth on your wall on Facebook think several times before you do it.

Church on Revival: Moving Forward, Claiming, and Growing

  Thematic Sermon: Church on Revival: Moving Forward, Claiming, and Growing Occasion: Children of the Kingdom Church, UMC Address: 16 Beso...