Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Urban characters-2 male, in his 30s

Urban characters-2
Male, early 30s

Wednesday, 28 September 2011, at around 6:25 this evening at Suyu station southbound platform, the standby subway passengers were alarmed at a scream from a man who must have been suffering of mental disturbamce. He screamed as if he saw a disturbing object. Interestingly he would scream loudly upon seeing young attractive women.

The young wonen were frightened upon hearing the scream, looked at where the scream was coming from only to see a tall, well built young man turning his back on them and slowly walked away, muttering some words audible to people near him. He screamed again when he saw a young woman approaching him just a minute before the next train arrived. I'm not sure whether he got on the train or stayed on the platform and scared more people. I just hope the subway station personnel would have noticed him and helped him stay away from the platform.

Modern day life is stressful to so many people and stressed out people are susceptible to breakdown of mental and physical health.

PARK YONG-KIL the mother of reunification

The Road to the Spring of Reunification
28 September 2011

She is named the "mother of reunification", Park Yong-Il, one of the rare women church elders in the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea  and the protestant churches in Korea. She lived to be 92 years old by October 24 this year. 
She passed away last Saturday and the funeral service was held this morning at the chapel of Hanshin University Graduate School of Theology. She and her husband Moon Ik-Hwan served as inspiration to church people and society, both of the North and South.

The funeral service highlighted her as a road to Springtime, ushering in new ways of relating between the separate states, yet remains one people or nation. Poems by Ko Eun were beautifully read and musical tributes were excellently offered by the women's choir of Seoul Presbytery, a cello musical rendition by Oh Mi-Sun and a soprano Arirang song was sang by Jeong Myeong-Hwa. 

Spoken tributes were given by church leaders, but all ears caught attention when Moon Dong-Hwan spoke. He is a retired minister and brother-in-law of the deceased. Although there are many outstanding characteristics Park Yong-Kil have as a woman, a church  leader, mother and wife, most of the spoken tributes mentioned her in relation to her husband Moon Ik-Hwan. The former South Korean Prime Minister, Han Myeong-Sook also gave a tribute.

A video clip on the latest interview with Park Yong-Il was shown and a slide presentation of their visit to North Korea and the meetings of two former SK presidents with NK's leader Kim Jong-il. A letter of condolences from NK leader was read during the service.

The main hall of chapel was filled with not less than 200 persons. An
outstanding  woman of faith has passed away. The future of peace and reunification of the Korean people is the hands of the present generation.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Seoul Urban Character-1

Urban characters

Middle age male. 

On the subway train enroute Dongdaemun to Hongik University station. He was wearing a dark pin stripe suit. Reading a book on top of a black office bag which looks full packed with books and files. No eyeglasses he reads the book and he underlines some sentences on the page he's reading. The moment he raises his chin up his red eyes in stark contrast to his pale and emaciated face and sporting a short haircut. Black cord of earphones hangs around his neck. He looks exhausted, pale and famished. Out of exhaustion he would bow his head and nap for a minute or two. Towards Chungjeongno station he took out his smart phone, not making a call nor playing a game just checking for messages. Nothing recent! He returned the cellphone in his pocket. He got off at Hongik Univ station. I saw he walked away with the heavy loaded bag on his right shoulder. A working day has not ended yet for him. 

Friday, September 02, 2011

Jeju's Kangjeong Villagers ask International Support for Protection of their Community and Livelihood

Official Statement of Appeal

We appeal to peace advocates worldwide to give Gangjeong residents and its peace activists international support and solidarity to stop the Jeju naval base construction. Please spread the news of these problems related to the Jeju naval base construction with your networks and show us your support and solidarity.

The Joongduk coast of Gangjeong Village in Jeju Island is now suffering. In 2006, Jeju Island was designated as an Island of Peace for the purpose of consoling the deep sorrow of the April 3rd Massacre. And the Joongduk coast was appointed as a Biosphere Reserve, World Heritage Site, and Global Geological Park by UNESCO. It is an Absolute Preservation Area, which is now being threatened by the naval base construction.

Insisting that the naval base is vital for national security, the Korean government and the navy are enforcing the construction. However, the Ocean Navy expansion plan--upon which the base construction was justified--has been discarded in revisions to the national defense bill regarding strategies to counteract recent security threats. This leaves no justification for this new base. In addition, the original argument from the government when the National Assembly budget bill was passed was to construct a Joint Civil Military site to be used for tourism as well as military purposes. However, that plan has disappeared and now only the military base is being constructed.

By maintaining military alliances with Japan, Australia, South Korea, and India, and through joint military exercises with the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan, the U.S. is attempting to build up its defense line against China. If the Jeju naval base is constructed, the U.S., which possesses the right to station there according to the ROK-U.S. Mutual Defense Agreement, will surely use this base to stand up against China. In that case, Jeju Island, an Island of Peace, will become a center of military conflict between the U.S. and China, jeopardizing South Korea’s national security.

Government and military authorities, however, are turning a blind eye to the voices of Gangjeong residents and civil peace activists, as well as to the demands to suspend the construction coming from the opposition parties and the investigation committee of the National Assembly. The navy has even used violence against a protesting civilian. On July 11, the national government recommended that the city government barricade a farm road on the Joongduk coast, which is the last remaining piece of state-owned land under the jurisdiction of Seogwipo city within the site of the naval base construction. This action was a response to the demand from the Ministry of National Defense to discourage any attempts to stage a protest against the naval base construction. However, such efforts by the government to enforce the construction only bring about stronger resistance and conflicts from Gangjeong residents and peace activists. The construction must be stopped before any unfortunate accidents take place.

We appeal to the government and military authorities

The argument for the base construction by the government and the navy is no longer valid. Moreover, the means and procedures used to promote the construction have been so violent and deceptive that they are only causing more resistance and resentment. Unilaterally pushing ahead with the construction, in the name of the national project, is obviously not a wise way. We call upon the government and military authorities to withdraw their plan to close the farm road and to completely reexamine the Jeju naval base construction project.

We appeal to Woo Keun-Min, Jeju governor

Governor Woo, you were aware of the negative consequences that could result from the naval base construction and you were right. We urge you to give up the futile illusion about the development profit and to listen to the desperate voices of the residents. We further request you to use your authority to cancel the removal of the “absolute preservation area” designation of Joongduk coast. If you do so, history would remember you as a person who protects the peace of Jeju and the Korean peninsula.

We appeal to the national assembly

As an entity representing citizens, the national assembly has a duty to listen to and respond to citizens’ voices. We appeal to the opposition parties to be more active in nullifying the Jeju naval base construction project. The Grand National Party, as the current ruling party, should seriously examine whether the base is really needed and whether national budget should be spent on inflating military forces and feeding construction capital.

We appeal to citizens

Gangjeong citizens have been fighting alone for over four long years. In the meantime, the village community has been torn apart, leaving indelible scars. Citizens are also engulfed with fears due to various lawsuits from the government and construction companies, as well as fines up to tens of millions of won. They are suffering from the fact that the Goorungbi boulder, which represents their dreams and memories, might be covered with cement block.

Please express your solidarity and give them your consolation. And if you can, please visit Gangjeong Village. Then you might be able to understand more clearly why the construction must be stopped. In addition, please use your wisdom and energy to do whatever you can in your position to prevent the Jeju naval base construction.

We appeal to peace advocates worldwide

International support, advocacy, and solidarity to stop the Jeju naval base construction give Gangjeong residents and peace activists strength and courage. Please spread the news of these problems related to the Jeju naval base construction with your networks and show us your support and solidarity.

We will try our best to prevent the Jeju naval base construction, which endangers the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia, and which is destroying the lives of Gangjeong residents and the natural environment, a gift from heaven. We firmly believe that this struggle is our responsibility to Jeju Island, where the sorrow of the April 3rd massacre is deeply embedded, that this is an expression of our conscience regarding the suffering Gangjeong residents, and that it is the demand of the times to protect and ensure peace for our children. We sincerely appeal to everybody who stands alongside us to protect Gangjeong Village and Jeju Island.

Ms. Gang, Young-sil
The Gangjeong Village Association
Telephone number   +82-11-9826-5022

Church on Revival: Moving Forward, Claiming, and Growing

  Thematic Sermon: Church on Revival: Moving Forward, Claiming, and Growing Occasion: Children of the Kingdom Church, UMC Address: 16 Beso...