Monday, June 07, 2010


Statement from International and Ecumenical Partners and
UCCP Mission Co-Workers

We thank the 9th Quadrennial General Assembly for the events and activities that have fed our faith. We value the themes of the General Assembly, because these are just as relevant to all of us as they are specifically to the UCCP. We commend UCCP for your human rights, justice and peace and environmental commitment, and to living out your faith in the Philippines context. We honour the memory of the many victims of human rights violations, and the courage of the UCCP for your integrity and living out the gospel in these difficult times.

We rejoice in being part of the worldwide body of Christ, and are very thankful for the hospitality and sharing during our time here in Dumaguete.

We wish to affirm the sources of your discernment – the Holy Scriptures, the UCCP Statement of Faith, prayer, and sensing the presence of the Holy Spirit as it guides and leads us.


We have reflected together in our groups, on the present ecological crisis in the Philippines and in the world, and also on the current human rights situation. These critical times are manifested in the continuing destruction of the environment, the plunder of the natural resources and the deepening poverty and militarisation directed against those who are simply affirming human dignity, and those who are resisting this neo-liberal globalisation.

There is serious divergence of understanding the mission of God in these critical days. However we affirm that we are all part of the same Body of Christ. The gospel calls us to work together – there is one faith, one baptism, one Lord and saviour of us all. We should all work together on pursuing the programs of the next Quadrennium. This calls us to seek the way forward together; to be in dialogue with each other and listen seriously to each other; and in every way to be at peace with each other.

To be obedient to God’s will is to persist in the discernment process, and allow the agenda of God to flow within the Church. We joyfully celebrate the working of the Holy Spirit even outside the institutionalized Church. Sometimes we do not know which direction the wind will blow, but we need to be a responsive Church; as the wind of the Spirit will blow where it will like “a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night”. The Spirit is always ahead of us and always knows the context in which we work the best of all.


We encourage you to continue to strengthen your programs for peace and justice, the protection of human rights; support of migrant workers; ecological justice and sustaining our ecumenical partnerships and solidarity.

Let us journey together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There are things to let go of, and there are new things to embrace. We have confidence that God, who makes all things new and who is the giver of life in abundance, will continue to lead us all.


1. That UCCP continue to support those UCCP members and others, who are direct victims of human rights abuses.

2. That UCCP continue to support those members who face harassment, illegal arrest, abduction, and continue to live in fear.

3. That UCCP continues to campaign to stop the extra judicial killings in the Philippines.

4. That UCCP continues to do all it can to seek the unconditional release of the Morong 43.

5. That UCCP commits to continue to update it’s ecumenical partners on the human rights situation in the Philippines.

6. That UCCP seriously considers its own personal use of bio-degradable containers and packages. (Plastics and Styrofoam are immortal and infinite and cause pollution and pose health hazards. The use of plastics or the combination of plastic and aluminium packages for food and other products should be minimised).

7. That UCCP encourage the establishment of a nursery for tree seedling or wildlings in home, church yards and places which are made available for tree planting purposes.

8. That UCCP members consume healthy and locally produced farm products. (It has been observed that food served to General Assembly delegates are characteristic f the scarcity of locally grown vegetables and locally sourced marine products eg. fish and others)

9. That UCCP cease to consume Nestle products. (It has been observed that here in the General Assembly Nescafe instant coffee and creamer has been served as drink during meals, especially at breakfast and coffee break. In solidarity with the exploited and struggling Nestle workers, and the environment, and our own bodies.)

10. That UCCP sustain their advocacy for the abrogation of the Philippines Mining Act of 1995 to protect the national patrimony and support the people’s campaign against trans and multinational mining corporations.

11. That UCCP continue to advocate and support scientific research dealing with bio-diversity and sustainable alternatives for agricultural production of marginalized farmers.

Dated this 28th May, 2010

Ms. Jillian Linda Ruzbacky Rev. Rod Dyson
Uniting Church of Australia Uniting Church of Australia
Social Justice Officer & International Mission Unit Moderator, Synod of South Australia

Dr. Rommel Linatoc Ms. Rebecca Lawson
National Council of Churches in the Philippines PC-USA Mission Co-Worker with UCCP

Rev. Dakila Quezon Rev. Kim Yeo Jong
Iglesia Unida Ekumenikal PCK Missionaries Working With UCCP

Dr. Fidon Mwombeki Rev. Park Kwang Nam
United Evangelical Mission (UEM) PCK Missionaries Working With UCCP
General Secretary

Dr. Levi Oracion Ms. Miriam Flick
UCC- USA & Church of Christ (Disciples) UEM Ecumenical Intern

Ms. Krystal Sheremeta
Rev. Han Kyoung Gyun United Church of Canada Ecumenical Intern
Presbyterian Church of Korea
Mission Co- Worker to UCCP

Ms. Annika Sputh
UEM Ecumenical Intern

Rev. Kim Kwang Wook
PCK Missionaries Working With UCCP

Mr. Khethi Vanlalchuanga
Mizoram, India

Rev. Park Dong Kwon
PCK Missionaries Working With UCCP

Rev. Frank Hernando
UCCP Mission Co-Worker with PROK

Mr. Cobbie Palm
PC-USA Mission Co-Worker to UCCP

Rev. Gloria Hernando
UCCP Mission Co-Worker with PROK

Mr. Pastor Galang, Jr.
UCCP Mission Co-Worker with PCK

Rev. Frederick Carmelo
UCCP Mission Co-Worker with PCK

Rev. Cesar Taguba

Rev. Rannieh Mercado
UCCP Mission Co-Worker with UEM

Rev. Chung Hae Dong
PROK Mission Co-Worker with UCCP

Rev. Bae Tae-Jin
Presbyerian Church of the Rep[ublic of Korea
General Secretary

1 comment:

RicetoRiches said...

I have seen that photo somewhere else before!! hehe! Do you mind if I put this on my FB page too - with a little link saying who you are? Hope you and Gloria are both fine! Cheers - Jill

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