Friday, December 03, 2010

Prayer for Peace in the Korean Peninsula

Most loving and compassionate God:
We praise you and thank you for creating this day
And for this time of prayer.

Advent has come once again this year,
The time of preparation for celebrating Christmas--
The birth of your Son Jesus Christ--the Prince of Peace.

It is at time of Advent when we come to the realization
how fragile our lives are,
and how temporary our material comfort had been.
However, we are assured of your compassionate companionship with us,
which strengthens our hope for salvation from real dangers
and from the fears that prevent us and the nations to pursue lasting peace.

Compassionate God, forgive us for being anxious of our future
and what will befall upon us.
At times we are passive in mediating your holy will in our country.
We have been lulled by the material comforts we have,
and forget the more important things in the life of our nation--
such as the values of peace, tolerance, justice, forbearance and solidarity.
Have mercy on us.

With your grace, help and support us is our campaign
for peace in the Korean Peninsula.
Sustain us in our proclamation of Christ's peace in the world.
Let your Holy Spirit embolden us to follow Jesus Christ our Lord,
the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Note: This is Frank's said prayer during the PROK staff morning devotion on November 30, 2010.

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