Saturday, August 04, 2012

Extrajudicial Killings in the Philippines, an order-of-the-day by the Aquino government and its military

Extrajudicial Killings in the Philippines, an order-of-the-day by the Aquino government and its military

July 26, 2012


One day before the State of the Nation Address of President Benigno S. Aquino III, a woman servant-leader in an urban poor community was shot dead by well-known killers in the area. Marilou “Malou” Bacani Valle, 43, elected President of KADAMAY Barangay 105 and resident of Sitio Damayan, Smokey Mountain II, Tondo, Manila died instantly due to three gunshot wounds she sustained in the left cheek, below her lower lip and on her lower right shoulder. The suspects was identified by witnesses as members of barangay tanod. The victim’s son Jomar de Jesus embraced his dying mother while cursing at the assailant who trained his gun at him, forcing him to flee for his life, and the bullet missed him. The crime which happened between 5:27 to 5:34 in the afternoon of July 22 in front of the victim’s house was witnessed by relatives and neighbors.

Right after the killing, the suspects went to the house of Malou’s elder brother Jerry Bacani and fired several shots. Jerry Bacani and son Ninoy Bacani were hit in the leg and foot respectively. Neighbors brought them to a nearby public hospital.

Prior to this incident, Malou filed cases of grave threat, gun-toting and child abuse before a Manila City Hall court on the third week of March against Raffy Tejas, Benjamin Tejas, Sonny Tejas and Conchita Tejas, wife of Raffy. The cases were triggered by the illegal entry of the Tejases into the house of Malou and the gun threat against her and her children Marjorie de Jesus, Jomar de Jesus and George de Jesus, Jr., all minors, on March 4.

On that day the Tejases confronted Malou for distributing leaflets to the community opposing the demolition and relocation plan and urging an on-site development.

On one hand, Malou had been a respected leader in the community. Residents sought her advice on whatever problem they may have, including the matter of residency in the area. She used to conduct social services for the community along with the local people’s organization called Samahan sa Sitio Damayang Nananambakan (SSDN)-KADAMAY, a local chapter of KADAMAY-NCR, an urban poor organization in the National Capital Region where Malou’s husband George de Jesus Sr. is an active member. She also used to help the churches whenever the latter conducted services or other activities in and for the community. The Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD) tapped her services particularly in its 4Ps program (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) which gives cash to selected poor families. The National Housing Authority (NHA) also made use of Malou’s services.

On the other hand, the killers are well-known hoodlums in the community whom the people fear. It is believed that they are responsible for the many killings in the area. But they never got apprehended due to their strong connections with the authorities. According to the people, Barangay 105 Council designated them as Barangay Tanod (community guards) legitimizing their carrying of guns and being coddled by some police officers assigned in Tondo Precinct 1.

Her body lies in state temporarily at the Permanent Housing near Brgy 105 in Tondo Manila. People were threatened by the killers, in fact, a certain bishop who wanted to pay his respects to the dead was warned by a concerned community leader not to go because the situation was “still hot”, and that there is the likelihood that a grenade may be lobbed by the suspects during the wake.

We call on THE AQUINO administration to end impunity for human rights violations and all forms of political repression against the people and push for immediate action against the local authorities who may be involved in this heinous crime.


Fr. Charly Ricafort, MI

Fr. Rico Ponce, O‘Carm
Vice Chairperson

Sr. Maureen Catabian, RGS

Fr.Melvin A. Ordanez, SMM

Bro. Ciriaco Santiago, CSsR

Board Members

Sr. Victoria Chrisiley Lao, CMSSTCJ

Fr. Tito Maratas, MSC

Sr. Marissa Gallardo, MSM

Sr. Ester Maria Alunan, OSA

Sr. Odilia Bulayungan, OSB

Fr. Eugene CaƱete, MJ

Sr. Fely Solatorio, MSM

Amrsp Board Liaison

Sr. Ma. Teresita Bravo, SFIC

Fr. Baltazar A. Obico, OFM

#5 14th Street, Brgy. Damayang Lagi, New Manila, Quezon City, Philippines
Tel # (02) 448-5963 Email:

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