Tuesday, October 30, 2012


PROK Staff Morning Prayer
Scripture text: Jeremiah chapter 3
30 October 2012
By Frank Hernando

God of grace and mercy,
We thank you for this day.
As the gloomy colder days start to replace the cool bright days, our body rhythms get attuned to restrictions to agility, but provides more time for reflection and spiritual reinvigoration.

In the Scripture we hear Jeremiah's condemnation of Israel and Judah's hardheadedness to live out your covenant of justice and love amongst the people.
With this we are reminded that as your people we should choose the interest of the vast number of people rather than the wishes of the few. May your word made real in the life of your son Jesus Christ allow us to feel sorry for our weakness of self-will and unforgiving spirit. Grant us the humility to accept our faults and willing to put on a new mind and heart.

We entreat you, merciful God to strengthen us in our work for your people toward greater justice and lasting peace. Our personal and collective efforts aren't enough to change our institutions, community and the world, however confident in faith that our commitment to your service will create ripples of change to reach desperate shores.

We pray for people in our world who remain unfed and in poor conditions, those whose lives are threatened by human and natural calamities. May your saving hand rescue them wherever they may be.

We ask your blessing upon us in our work today. We pray this through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

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