Monday, April 28, 2014



KASAMMAKO or the Unity of Filipino Migrant Workers Associations in Korea, on this Migrant Workers Labor event, expresses deep sympathy and condolences to the bereaved families of all casualties of the Sewol-ho ferry accident.

KASAMMAKO gives full support and solidarity to all migrant workers in Korea and around the world in asserting our labor and human rights and urge governments of the Republic of Korea and of our home countries to respect and uphold these rights. We believe that the proletarian working class is the leading force in the economic, political and social change in society and the world. We continue to work in alliance with other democratic and progressive forces that struggle to stop modern-day slavery of workers in the neo-liberal globalization.

Since last week, the US President Barack Obama is moving around the countries of Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines to strengthen the United States’ stranglehold on national sovereignty, the coveting and exploitation of the natural resources of countries in the region, and ensures that these countries will remain strong defenders of the geo-political and military presence in Asia-Pacific. The US only secures its interests and does not care about the plight of ordinary people in Asia.

We oppose the US “Pivot to Asia”, which is a multi-layered offensive that includes the further deployment or “rebalancing” of US military forces and military bases into the region and the drive to forge a long-sought Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). This will also consolidate and expand its strategic alliances with selected countries in the region. These objectives are part of the long-term efforts of US imperialism to advance its economic, political and military interests and reassert its preeminent power in the region.

In same vein, we protest Barack Obama’s signing with BS Aquino of the “Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement" (EDCA) between the US and the Philippines, despite questions on its constitutionality. "The agreement gives the US full access to Philippine facility and to set up US military bases within Philippine military camps, and to launch military operations in Philippine territory under the name of joint military exercises. When this agreement is signed this will intensify violations of human rights and of the international humanitarian law. More so the continuation of the dire economic situation of many Filipinos which is the main cause of forced migration.

Forced migration of many Filipinos and other Asians are caused by the unjust economic development in our home countries and in the world. Workers rights are violated by employers and corporations so they may gain maximum profits from the labor of workers and employees. Today, we, migrant workers in South Korea join forces together to express our real situation and present our demands for the respect and protection of our labor rights. Our demands are:

A.To the government of South Korea:

1.Repeal the policy revision on refund of severance/pension claims of migrant workers after their contract ends or deported from the country.
2.Replace the oppressive EPS policy with just and employment system, where migrant workers exercise freedom to choose jobs that fit them, where their labor and human rights are respected.
3.Repeal the Immigration Control Act that severely impact migrant workers, stop crackdown and deportations; transform immigration policies that grant migrant workers the right to live with families in Korea.
4.Legislate and guarantee equal pay for equal work.
5.Guarantee equal right to work and sojourn for overseas Korean migrant workers

B.To the government of the Philippines:

1.Put a halt to forced migration! Create jobs at home!
2.Approve the passage of the P125 Wage Hike Bill. Workers urgently need significant wage increase amidst soaring prices of commodities.
3.Stop crackdown! The Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) should recall their memorandum on forced deportation of non-documented migrant workers in Korea which is in collaboration with the South Korean immigration office and the MOEL.
4.NO to return of US Bases in the Philippines and “Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement" (EDCA). Uphold and respect national sovereignty and self-determination.
5.NO to U.S. Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)! This is an instrument of neo-colonization and imperialist pillage of national economies and people’s democratic rights for humane and just economic development
6.Resume peace talks between National Democratic Front-Philippines and the Government of Philippines.
7.Stop extra-judicial killings that already killed many labor, peasant, tribal community, youth and student leaders in the Philippines.
8.Prosecute and penalize all political leaders involved in Pork Barrel scam!


27 April 2014
Seoul, Korea


KASAMMAKO or the Unity of Filipino Migrant Workers Associations in Korea, on this Migrant Workers Labor event, expresses deep sympathy and condolences to the bereaved families of all casualties of the Sewol-ho ferry accident.

KASAMMAKO gives full support and solidarity to all migrant workers in Korea and around the world in asserting our labor and human rights and urge governments of the Republic of Korea and of our home countries to respect and uphold these rights. We believe that the proletarian working class is the leading force in the economic, political and social change in society and the world. We continue to work in alliance with other democratic and progressive forces that struggle to stop modern-day slavery of workers in the neo-liberal globalization.

Since last week, the US President Barack Obama is moving around the countries of Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines to strengthen the United States’ stranglehold on national sovereignty, the coveting and exploitation of the natural resources of countries in the region, and ensures that these countries will remain strong defenders of the geo-political and military presence in Asia-Pacific. The US only secures its interests and does not care about the plight of ordinary people in Asia.

We oppose the US “Pivot to Asia”, which is a multi-layered offensive that includes the further deployment or “rebalancing” of US military forces and military bases into the region and the drive to forge a long-sought Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). This will also consolidate and expand its strategic alliances with selected countries in the region. These objectives are part of the long-term efforts of US imperialism to advance its economic, political and military interests and reassert its preeminent power in the region.

In same vein, we protest Barack Obama’s signing with BS Aquino of the “Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement" (EDCA) between the US and the Philippines, despite questions on its constitutionality. "The agreement gives the US full access to Philippine facility and to set up US military bases within Philippine military camps, and to launch military operations in Philippine territory under the name of joint military exercises. When this agreement is signed this will intensify violations of human rights and of the international humanitarian law. More so the continuation of the dire economic situation of many Filipinos which is the main cause of forced migration.

Forced migration of many Filipinos and other Asians are caused by the unjust economic development in our home countries and in the world. Workers rights are violated by employers and corporations so they may gain maximum profits from the labor of workers and employees. Today, we, migrant workers in South Korea join forces together to express our real situation and present our demands for the respect and protection of our labor rights. Our demands are:

A. To the government of South Korea:

1. Repeal the policy revision on refund of severance/pension claims of migrant workers after their contract ends or deported from the country.
2. Replace the oppressive EPS policy with just and employment system, where migrant workers exercise freedom to choose jobs that fit them, where their labor and human rights are respected.
3. Repeal the Immigration Control Act that severely impact migrant workers, stop crackdown and deportations; transform immigration policies that grant migrant workers the right to live with families in Korea.
4. Legislate and guarantee equal pay for equal work.
5. Guarantee equal right to work and sojourn for overseas Korean migrant workers

B. To the government of the Philippines:

1. Put a halt to forced migration! Create jobs at home!
2. Approve the passage of the P125 Wage Hike Bill. Workers urgently need significant wage increase amidst soaring prices of commodities.
3. Stop crackdown! The Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) should recall their memorandum on forced deportation of non-documented migrant workers in Korea which is in collaboration with the South Korean immigration office and the MOEL.
4. NO to return of US Bases in the Philippines and “Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement" (EDCA). Uphold and respect national sovereignty and self-determination.
5. NO to U.S. Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)! This is an instrument of neo-colonization and imperialist pillage of national economies and people’s democratic rights for humane and just economic development
6. Resume peace talks between National Democratic Front-Philippines and the Government of Philippines.
7. Stop extra-judicial killings that already killed many labor, peasant, tribal community, youth and student leaders in the Philippines.
8. Prosecute and penalize all political leaders involved in Pork Barrel scam!


27 April 2014
Seoul, Korea

Stand for human rights, justice and peace; Reject the US-PH partnership enhancing a culture of impunity

27 April 2014

As US Pres. Barack Obama visits the Philippines this April 28, human rights activists, peace advocates and justice campaigners in Hong Kong together with Asian and Filipino migrants, stand with the Filipino people in the Philippines and overseas in calling for the rejection of the US-PH Agreement on Enhanced Defense Cooperation and withdrawing aid to the Philippine military who is waging war against activists and civilians.

The US-PH AEDC is a resurrected military bases agreement in a worse and bigger scale as it will make the whole Philippine territory open to US military forces, nuclear armaments and war machines; and a base to use for the US’ arbitrary wars of aggression and intervention or to show to its economic and political competitors US’ military might.

It shall also pave the way for increased assistance to the Philippine military that is yet to account for the numerous human rights violations its personnel have committed against rural people, indigenous communities, urban settlers, and activists from trade unions, peasants organizations, indigenous groups, women, youth and other marginalized people striving for societal changes.

Impunity is much alive in the Philippines; the same impunity that lets the US government get away with the wars it waged, bombs it dropped, and drone strikes it unleashed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere on unjust grounds.

According to the human rights group Karapatan, the victims of extrajudicial killings since President Aquino assumed leadership up to December 2013 reached 169. In the first three months of this year, 19 more were killed including the Ligiws - environmentalist father and sons – in Abra, fair trade activist Romeo Capalla in Panay Island, and human rights defender William Bugatti in Ifugao.

This meant that at least one person was killed per week as a victim of extrajudicial killing.

These numbers are on top of the thousands more victimized by the previous administration of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for whom the Aquino administration has failed to provide justice. Even AFP Gen. Jovito Palaparan, known notorious human rights violator of the previous administration, has also not been brought it to account for his crimes.

Political prosecution has also been in an upsurge under the Aquino government. This has greatly affected the prospects of the peace negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GPH) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and is threatening to subvert any advances the talks have made over the years.

The recent arrest of Benito Tiamzon and Wilma Austria, consultants of the NDFP, and the refusal of the GPH to acknowledge that they are under the protection of the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) is yet again another snag in the negotiations.

There can be no peace if there is no justice; and there can be no justice if human rights are violated with impunity.

US Pres. Barack Obama should take this to heart before he signs any agreement that will merely increase the capacity of the Philippine government and military to suppress the rights of the people, and commit more atrocious acts that make human rights meaningless, justice untenable, and peace a mere dream for the Filipinos.

If President Obama’s visit is to have meaning to the Filipino people, it must be geared towards putting a cap to the culture of impunity, and exerting efforts to jumpstart the peace talks again.

The Hong Kong Campaign for the Advancement Human Rights and Peace in the Philippines (HKCAHRPP) shall continue to stand with groups under the banner of the International Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP) to achieve these ends.#

Endorsed by:

• Abra Tinguian Ilocano Society (ATIS-HK)
• Asosiasi Buruh Migran Indonesia di Hong Kong (ATKI-HK)
• Bagong Alyansang Makabayan – Hong Kong (BAYAN-HK)
• Cordillera Alliance in Hong Kong (CORALL-HK)
• Filipino Migrant Workers' Union (FMWU)
• GABRIELA Hong Kong
• Indonesian Muslim Migrants Alliance (GAMMI)
• Indonesian Migrant Workers' Union (IMWU)
• League of Indonesian Migrant Workers (LiPMI)
• Persatuan BMI Tolak Overcharging (PILAR)
• Promotion of Church People’s Response – Hong Kong (PCPR-HK)
• United Filipinos in Hong Kong (UNIFIL-MIGRANTE-HK)
• United Pangasinan Hong Kong (UPHK)

For reference:
Jackie Hung Bruce Van Voorhis
ICHRP, Vice Chairperson HKCAHRPP Co-Convenor
Tel. No. (852) 9268-1803 Tel. No. (852) 9492-3064

*** Formed in 2006, the Hong Kong Campaign for the Advancement of Human Rights and Peace in the Philippines (HKCAHRPP) is a coalition/network composed of human rights organisations and advocates, migrant workers groups, NGOs, faith-based groups and individuals from the media, academe and legal profession – united in advocating for human rights and for just and lasting peace in the Philippines. HKCAHRPP is a member of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP) ***

Friday, April 25, 2014

Obama, US troops undesirables in the Philippines--KARAPATAN

Obama, US troops undesirables in the Philippines

"With the four-country visit of US Pres. Barack Obama, he is virtually stamping Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines a 'US property' seal on the world map," Cristina Palabay, Karapatan secretary general said. "Many of the peoples of these nations are now geared up to protest US Pres. Obama's 'unfriendly' visit," Palabay announced.

The Global Council of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP) called for internationally coordinated actions in time for the Obama Asia-Pacific visit to raise the alarming rate of extrajudicial killings, stalled peace talks, and the increased and permanent presence of US troops in the Philippines.

The April 23-29 Obama visit the four countries, "is meant not only to strengthen its economic interests and military presence but its dominance in Asia-Pacific," Palabay said.

The so-called Asia Pacific pivot “has already resulted in the 60 percent increase in the deployment of the US Navy forces in the Western Pacific and an increase frequency and scale of military exercises,” said the statement of the ICHRP Global Council.

ICHRP member organizations in the US have lined up several activities such as a mobilization in front of the White House.

The Bagong Alyansang Makabayan-USA (Bayan-USA) has put out a national call to action on April 25. Other groups in the US held activities as early as April 15, the global day of action on military spending. The raised the issue of human rights violations in the Philippines and US military aid. Said events were geared towards supporting mobilizations around Obama’s visit in the Philippines.

As Obama lands in Japan for the Japan-US summit, the two States affirms its military and economic alliance through additional US military bases, specifically in Ukawa district, Kyotango City. Some 49,000 American troops are deployed in different bases in Japan.

South Korea also hosts some 30,000 US troops in the border of North and South Korea. "The US’s presence heightens the tension to the two countries and uses this for its military build-up, including positioning of weapons of mass destruction in South Korea," Palabay explained.

In the Philippines, Obama is set to sign with BS Aquino the railroaded "Enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement" (EDCA) despite questions on its constitutionality. "The agreement gives the US full access to Philippine facility and to set up US military bases within Philippine military camps, and to launch military operations in Philippine soil under the name of joint military exercises," Palabay said. “It’s a violation not only of the Constitution, but a sell-out of our national sovereignty," Palabay added.

"For sure, this leads to the intensification of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. The overwhelming cases of human rights violations and IHL violations perpetrated by US troops in the wars of aggression in Afganistan and Iraq will, more likely, happen here in the Philippines," Palabay warned. ###

Alliance for the Advancement of People's Rights
2nd Flr. Erythrina Bldg., #1 Maaralin corner Matatag Sts., Central District
Diliman, Quezon City, PHILIPPINES 1101
Telefax: (+63 2) 4354146


By Prof. Jose Maria Sison
International League of Peoples' Struggle
April 22, 2014

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle views the upcoming visits of United States President Barack Obama to Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines from April 23 to 29 as part of the US imperialist objective of further entrenching its hegemony and imposing its neo-liberal agenda while undermining the sovereignty and coveting the patrimony of countries in the region, in line with its avowed “strategic pivot” to Asia.

The US “pivot to Asia” is a multi-pronged offensive that includes the further deployment or “rebalancing” of US military forces and military bases into the region, the drive to forge a long-sought Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), and the consolidation and expansion of its strategic alliances with selected countries in the region. These objectives are part of the long-term efforts of US imperialism to advance its economic, political and military interests and reassert its preeminent power in the region.

The renewed US focus on Asia, highlighted since late 2011 by a series of policy statements and positions in various summits and country visits by top US officials and considered a cornerstone of current US foreign policy, will be further pushed by Obama in his upcoming four-country visit. He is expected to advance or finalize a number of multilateral agreements when he visits Japan from April 23 to 24, South Korea from Apr 25 to 26, Malaysia from April 26 to 28, and the Philippines from April 28 to 29.

Obama’s Asian swing has particular urgency especially in light of China’s steady rise as a major regional capitalist power while the US has had its hands full elsewhere. He had cancelled scheduled trips to Asia twice already, once in 2010 and more recently in October 2013 due to the US fiscal crisis. The US imperialist chieftain is determined this time to erase any doubt about the seriousness of the US pivot to Asia despite its growing problems on the domestic front and its worsening troubles on a global scale, especially in the Middle East and the Eurasian belt.

US military ‘rebalancing’

The ILPS reiterates the urgency of exposing and opposing the strategic scheme and maneuvers of US imperialism to strengthen its military bases, escalate its military intervention, and consolidate its geopolitical alliances in East Asia under the flag of “re-balance” or “pivot” to Asia.

The US is currently building new military bases in Japan, South Korea and Guam, pushing to deploy an increasing number of troops as well as preposition war materiel in Australia and the Philippines, and plans to move 60% of its warships to Asia by 2020.

To this end, the US is aggressively seeking or renewing basing opportunities, access agreements, mutual defense pacts, and bilateral and multilateral military exercises in the region. It is pushing its treaty allies such as Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Australia to host an increasing number of US troops as well as naval and air force assets on a so-called “rotational” but effectively permanent basis.

Faced with its own fiscal crisis aggravated by huge military expenditures due to its self-appointed role as global cop, the US now wants host countries not only to provide land for new bases and access to existing bases, but also to impose on them the burden of paying for base construction and maintenance, accommodation of troops, environmental degradation, and other social costs. These other costs that typically come with foreign bases and foreign troops include worsened prostitution of women and children, drug trafficking, other vices in the name of troop “rest and recreation,” abandoned Amerasian children, and violent crimes including rape and murder.

The strategic military, political, and economic objectives of the US pivot to Asia are stated in Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense, a Department of Defense strategic guidance document. The US seeks to dominate strategic sea lanes and control the sources and flow of strategic resources such as oil in this vast global region. At the same time, it wants to use this tremendous clout to force countries to accede to neoliberal economic dictates, and to impose a virtual embargo on countries that may resist such dictates and assert their own national interests.

On the TPPA

The US is desperate to finalize as soon as possible a multilateral consensus with 11 other countries on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), if only to mitigate its own imperialist economic and financial crisis. As designed and dominated by the US, this comprehensive trade agreement would encompass 40 percent of the world’s GDP and would include countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, Chile, Canada, Mexico and Peru. Notably, the TPP talks have excluded China for now although Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice recently said the US will “welcome any nation” to join the pact.

While the trade pact’s details have largely been kept secret from the public, a recent draft revealed by Wikileaks has triggered controversies even among some Western policymakers and US allies, who question clauses that favor US monopoly control and undermine governmental processes. The TPPA’s main provisions are expected to require member-countries to remove any remaining barriers to investments, to strictly enforce intellectual property laws that would raise pharmaceutical costs and stifle digital innovation and freedom of expression, and to allow private corporations to sue states before an international tribunal. In effect, countries joining the TPPA will have to surrender big chunks of their national sovereignty to the trade pact’s imperialist masterminds.

US-China relations as key issue

China has become the single biggest factor in the US imperialist agenda in East Asia. Despite its own internal problems, China is fast rising as a regional power, with a growing capacity to project its power in the rest of Asia and beyond. While the US eyes China as a potential long-term rival, the two capitalist powers remain in an uneasy partnership, comprising trade and investment ties, on top of some USD 1.28 trillion in US debt to China. The collusion and contention of the US and China operates not just in East Asia but throughout the world. The BRICS, in which China is a stalwart, provides a counterpoint to the US in certain respects, but it also promotes the US-instigated neoliberal policy in many other respects.

Obama’s forthcoming trip to Asia does not include a visit to China. However, a basic premise of the US agenda is to further contain China’s ambitions as a regional power, pressure it to keep within the present limits of the US-China partnership, and more strictly hew to the neoliberal framework. The US imperialists are further pushing China to further dismantle its state enterprises so that Western multinationals can more freely exploit its vast market and cheap labor.

The US is wary of China’s inclusion of the South China Sea as among its “core interests”; its fast-rising military capability to project its own “String of Pearls” maritime strategy in the Asia-Pacific and South Asia-Indian Ocean; its use of “soft power” and various diplomatic initiatives in its expansion of trade, investment and aid in and outside the region; and its growing alliance with Russia at the core of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). These moves, directly or indirectly, pose a counterpoint to the US strategic pivot to Asia.

Despite China’s territorial disputes with neighboring countries over islands islets, reefs and rocks in the East China Sea and South China Sea, it maintains a good leverage including strong bilateral ties with Cambodia, Laos, and Sri Lanka; a standing offer of “joint exploitation of the South China Sea for mutual benefit” directed at the Philippines and Vietnam; and the potential for a China-ASEAN FTA and a China-South Korea-Japan FTA as its counter-balance against the US-led TPPA.

The US exploits territorial disputes involving China and its neighbors such as Japan, South Korea, and some ASEAN countries. It pretends to help these countries against China as a pretext in expanding US military forces and operating military bases in these countries. But the US interest is not in supporting territorial claims in the South China Sea, but in gaining control of the sea lanes. The US would not risk open war with China in the near future as the US has far greater economic interests there compared to countries like the Philippines or Vietnam.

Russia, Japan, and China also view the vast territories covering the East China Sea and South China Sea as strategic in terms of natural resources, shipping, and military access. For now, all the big powers collude and compete for a bigger share of the Asia-Pacific pie without resort to war, although they beat their war drums to signal a readiness to escalate conflict whenever it fits their strategic plans.

Specific agenda in the four country visits

On April 23, Obama is scheduled to attend the Japan-US summit to affirm the two countries’ military and economic alliance. Even as it has been in the economic and political doldrums in recent decades, Japan hosts a wide range of US military bases, serves as its second largest trade and investment partner, and has long been the main US ally in the post-war Asia-Pacific. The Obama visit intends to enhance the US-Japan military and economic alliance.

A few days before Obama lands, on April 20, a new US military installation will be inaugurated in Ukawa district, Kyotango City, Kyoto. An X-band radar facility will be installed as an essential part of the US Missile Defense network in East Asia, in connivance with the Japanese government.

Despite the transfer of a big US Marine contingent to Guam and the unresolved relocation of the sprawling Futenma Marine Corps Air Station from a heavily populated part of Okinawa to Nago City, the US continues to enjoy strategic basing rights in Japan. Some 49,000 US troops are deployed in Japan-hosted bases, through which the US is able to project its imperialist power in East Asia, encircle China, and threaten the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea).

The TPPA is also on the agenda of the Japan-US summit. The US wants Japan to join the trade pact as a crucial member, but it must convince Japanese big business that the TPPA has more advantages for them compared to a more localized trade pact such as a China-Korea-Japan FTA. The US also wants Japan to settle its disputes with South Korea.

In Seoul, Obama is expected to meet with South Korean President Park Geun Hye, affirm the US military alliance with South Korea, and review the continuing US-led program of economic, political, and military pressure against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). Despite calls from both sides to move towards peaceful reunification, the US has refused to defuse tensions by continuing to maintain a heavy military presence of 30,000 troops in the peninsula (including nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction), instigate repeated armed provocations along the so-called demilitarized zone and through offshore naval exercises, and seek to isolate North Korea by focusing on the DPRK’s nuclear program and imposing sanctions.

Despite strong opposition from the Korean people, the US is preparing to use a military base being constructed by the Korean government in Jeju Island near its border with China.
Next, Obama will visit Malaysia as the first US president to do so in the past half-century, to make another pitch for the TPPA. Past Malaysian governments, with strong Islamic influence especially during the premiership of Mahathir Mohammad, had been critical of US foreign policy, opposed US wars in the Middle East, and supported the setting up of a Palestinian state. Obama intends to sweeten US-Malaysia bilateral ties by offering economic advantages to the Najib Razak government in exchange for keeping to a moderate and pro-US Islamic position.

Obama’s last stop will be the Philippines, a former US colony that hosted a major US Air Force base in Clark and a major US Navy station in Subic, and a long-time postwar ally under successive pro-US regimes. He is expected to meet with President Benigno Aquino III and sign a de facto basing pact disguised as an “Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement” (EDCA).

The Filipino people had successfully driven away these US bases in 1991, but pro-US regimes continued to allow US ships, troops, armaments, drones, and electronic espionage facilities on the excuse of “non-permanent” presence as covered by the US-Philippine Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA).

Nevertheless, the EDCA that may be signed during the Obama-Aquino meeting would further expand the questionable premises of the VFA. This would allow the US practically unhindered access to Philippine facilities in order to station its troops and equipment, to even set up its own exclusive military facilities within Philippine bases or virtual “bases within bases,” and for its troops to operate in any part of the country in the guise of joint military exercises or humanitarian missions. Like the US-RP VFA, the US-PH EDCA would be in brazen violation of the country’s 1987 constitution that bans foreign troops and weapons of mass destruction on Philippine soil.

The US imperialists and their local puppets have been hyping the Philippine-China maritime dispute over the exclusive economic zone and extended contended shelf of the Philippines under the UNCLOS, and terrorist scares as well in the southern islands bordering Malaysia and Indonesia, in order to justify the urgent signing of the EDCA and the entry of more US armed forces. Alarmingly, they are pushing the Philippine government to construct or renovate more bases, such as in Oyster Bay near the disputed Spratly islands, supposedly to counterbalance the Chinese presence in the area. They also rode on supertyphoon Haiyan’s disastrous impact by calling on the US Seventh Fleet to play the high-profile role of “savior”, suggesting it can do more humanitarian good if only it is allowed unhampered operations within the country.

Obama is also expected to quietly urge Manila to remove any remaining constitutional restrictions to foreign investments, including land ownership, and thus pave the way for the Philippines’ joining the TPPA.

Call for broader struggle vs US imperialism in East Asia

In the face of the current global crisis, the US wants to rush its military rebalancing act in the Asia-Pacific even as it is harried by major troubles in other global regions and in its own backyard. But the people in all countries of East Asia will not allow this imperialist scheme to ride roughshod over their national sovereignty. The International League of Peoples' Struggle and a broad range of patriotic and progressive forces in the region are calling to oust US bases and troops from their shores, and to resist the intensified imperialist plunder of the region’s human and natural resources through the TPPA.

The ILPS calls on all the oppressed peoples in the region, as elsewhere in the world, to resist the US imperialist agenda and to fight for national and social liberation in all possible realms of struggle. We support the East Asian peoples’ broad opposition to the US bases, military buildup, and aggressive actions in their respective countries and throughout the region as a whole. We support their equally broad opposition to the neoliberal economic agenda in all its despicable aspects, including the US-dictated TPPA. We support their aspirations and demands for peace, genuine development, and social justice.

We reiterate our full support for the Japanese people’s protest actions against the new US base in Kyoto, and stand in solidarity with the AWC-Kyoto, the Kyoto Coalition, and the Kinki Coalition that are in the forefront of the anti-bases protest. We likewise express our support for the Okinawa people in opposing the plan to relocate the Futenma US base to Nago City, and hope that their struggle leads to the full ousting of all US bases from the Okinawa islands.

We again express our solidarity with the Korean people on both halves of the Korean peninsula in their long-aspired-for peaceful reunification, against the heavy US military presence in the south and US-instigated provocations against the north, and against the planned construction of a US naval base in Jeju.

We call on the Malaysian people to resist the sugarcoated pills being offered by the US through the Obama visit, with the intent of pulling their country deeper into the neoliberal trap of the TPPA. We are confident that anti-US imperialist groups in Malaysia will join hands and launch common protest actions to confront Obama and local pro-US reactionaries.

We salute the Filipino people in their century-old struggle against US imperialism. We commend Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN) and other ILPS member-organizations in the Philippines for exposing and opposing the so-called US-PH Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, for their planned week-long protest in time for the Obama visit, and for linking up with other anti-bases and anti-imperialist organizations in the United States, Japan, South Korea, China, and elsewhere.

We extend our solidarity to the people of the United States, who are as victimized by US imperialism as the rest of the world. We welcome the increasing ranks and growing militancy of anti-war, anti-globalization, and anti-imperialist organizations in the US, especially in opposing domestic repression, military adventures overseas, and increased spending for war while the American people suffer the burden of the crisis.

All over the world, as in East Asia, countries and peoples are resisting US imperialism’s desperate efforts to extend its talons and dig its claws deeper as it continues on a path of long-term decline. The ILPS is one with them in the struggle until victory.

No to US bases, and imperialist wars and intervention!
US troops, out of East Asia!
Resist neoliberal economic dictates! Fight the TPPA!
Down with US imperialism and its domestic puppets in East Asia!
Long live the people of East Asia! Long live international solidarity!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

International lawyers group condemn US basing in the Philippines: Regional peace and stability demanded

Press Statement
18 April 2014

Lawyers from various countries such as the United States, South Korea, Japan, Greece and Spain, condemned today attempts by the US to formally establish military bases in the Philippines and supported the call of Filipino lawyers from the National Union of Peoples' Lawyers (NUPL) for actions against the Agreement on Enhanced Defense Cooperation [AEDC] between the US and the Philippines. These expressions of support were given during the 18th Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) in Brussels, Belgium.

“Many delegates believe that this new basing agreement and the US pivot in Asia will threaten the peace and stability of the region” said Atty. Edre U. Olalia, Secretary General of the NUPL. “The expanded US military presence in the country is also a threat to the peace process in the Philippines considering the antagonism of the US to any form of peace process between the government and the National Democratic Front.”

"Support from many lawyers groups worldwide is important in the battle against this attempt by the US for economic and political hegemony in Asia. We will continue to gather as many support from peace advocates and lawyers groups against the latest US initiative to escalate its presence in the Philippines. It is the US that provides material and moral support for the militarist approach to the conflict, making the calvary of the Filipino people even more tormenting," Olalia added.

NUPL president Neri Colmenares, also Bayan Muna representative, warned the Philippine government that it could be held accountable under international law should the US use its military facilities in the Philippines to commit aggression in other countries. “We learned during the Congress that the US is also expanding its bases in Japan. During the IADL discussions, it was made clear by many legal luminaries attending the Congress that the crime of aggression does not only attach to the US but also the country that allows the use of its territory to attack other countries. While we condemn China’s aggressive acts in the West Philippine Sea, we will not tolerate aggressive acts of the US which will subject the Filipino people to retaliatory attacks by the many enemies of the US,” said Rep. Colmenares. “We will get the support of international lawyers to file a case against the US and Pres. Aquino for crimes against humanity committed as a result of this new basing agreement.”

The NUPL delegation is also asking representatives from various countries to sign a petition calling for the release of political prisoners and for respect of human rights in the Philippines. # (nc)


Neri Javier Colmenares
NUPL President

Edre U. Olalia
NUPL Secretary General

Peasant Leader arrested by police for defending rights of poor farmers in the Philippines

April 16, 2014

Peasant leader, family arrested in Hacienda Looc
PH’s haciendero President mocks UN’s 2014 International Year of Family Farming – KMP

The militant peasant group Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) and the Samahang Magbubukid sa Batangas (Sambat) today described as a mockery of the United Nations-declared International Year of Family Farming the Aquino government’s illegal arrest of a peasant leader and his family in Hacienda Looc, a more than 8,650 hectare productive agricultural land being grabbed by giant real estate developers in Nasugbu, Batangas.

At around 6:00 in the morning yesterday, about 100 combined forces of the Regional Mobile Group Philippine National Police (RMG-PNP) and 733rd Squadron of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) barged into the compound and forcefully entered the houses of Armando “Ka Mandy” Lemita, Natividad Lemita (mother of Armando) and barangay councilor Randy Flores (nephew) for alleged possession of high powered guns and ammunitions.

However, no guns were found in the houses of Armando and Flores, while allegedly a gun and some bullets were found in the house of Natividad but accounted it to Anatalio Lemita (brother of Armando) who was not even residing in the said house.

Despite negative search, Armando was handcuffed together with his wife, Rosenda, and daughter Alyssa. Anatalio was also arrested.

Armando is the spokesperson of the Ugnayan ng Mamamayan Laban sa Pangwawasak ng Kalupaan ng Hacienda Looc (UMALPAS-KA Hacienda Looc) and secretary general of the Haligi ng Batangenyong Anakdagat (HABAGAT).

“The arrest of Ka Mandy and his family is a mockery by the haciendero President to the International Year of Family Farming. This brazen act of political repression is obviously linked to the Hacienda Looc farmers’ struggle for their rights to the land,” says KMP chairperson Rafael Mariano.

“Giant real estate developers backed by Aquino’s haciendero government are the primary beneficiaries of this latest attack against Hacienda Looc farmers,” Mariano said adding: “The Aquino government’s growing fascism is bound to escalate agrarian unrest in Hacienda Looc.”

The UN declared this year 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming supposedly to raise the profile of family farming and smallholder farming by focusing world attention on its significant role in eradicating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition, improving livelihoods, managing natural resources, protecting the environment, and achieving sustainable development, in particular in rural areas.

Reports reaching the KMP national office also said that the police and militaries also assaulted Armando and his family; Armando collapsed after being kicked on his chest and was stepped on his stomach while lying on the ground.Armando has been suffering from bone problems prior to the arrest and such assault shall aggravate his condition.

For his part, Sambat chair Romy Cayao said that “this is not the first time that Lemita and his family experienced harassment from the hands of the military. Last year, an intelligence agent of the PAF tried to corner him while alone in his farm for interrogation; when his relatives confronted the said officer and tried to bring him to the barangay council for investigation, members of 730th Combat Group - PAF rushed in to the barrio to fetch their officer and instead of explaining for their actions resorted to filing trumped-up charges against Armando and his brother Anatalio.

“The AFP and the PNP are desperate in trying to achieve the deadline objectives of the Oplan Bayanihan which aims to quell legitimate people’s resistance in the guise of counter-insurgency, it is continuing to resort to unlawful arrests of peasant leaders and harassment on communities with land dispute in order for the Aquino government to be able to push through with its anti-people policies and projects like eco-tourism being pushed by his allies like Henry Sy... However, as we believe that such projects won’t benefit the majority and shall only bring about dislocation and massive loss of livelihood, we continue to resist and fight for our right to land.... and not even the continuous arrests and harrassments on our ranks won’t stop that!” an enraged Cayao exclaimed.

The illegal arrests of Lemita’s family happened before the visit of President Aquino to Batangas anytime this April for the intended full maximization of the Batangas International Port; a flagship project of the current administration that shall bring about more massive demolitions and dislocation, not only in Batangas City but even on other municipalities with domestic port construction like Nasugbu.

“Aquino’s anti-people programs are bound to fail. In his Regional Development Plan, the demolition of coastal areas and conversion of agricultural lands to eco-tourism such as what is intended to be done to Hacienda Looc; as well as the intended full maximization of the Batangas International Port for the interests of rich investors and businessmen will always be met with protest and resistance... The arrests and harassment on leaders of legitimate people’s organizations only proves its desperation to cater to the interest of the few by using its militaries and police to trample on people’s rights... we shall stand united against all these threats on our basic rights,” added Cayao.

At present, Armando and his family are detained at the Batangas Police Provincial Office (BPPO). A protest vigil was held since yesterday by their friends and members of various sectoral organizations that support their struggle and call for the immediate release of Armando and his family. #

KMP National Secretariat
217-B Alley 1 Road 7, Project 6, Quezon City
Telephone: +63(2)456-5727

Friday, April 18, 2014


Reflections on Good Friday
by Frank J. Hernando
18 April 2014
Seoul, Korea

Scripture Text: John 18:1 - 19:42

1. Two days ago a passenger-cruise ship in route from Incheon Port to Jeju Island capsized in the sea near Jindo, South Jeolla Province where 273 passengers remained missing and 25 died in the accident. We express our deep sorrow and sympathy to the bereaved families and healing for those who sustained injuries and traumatized of the accident. Our prayers that God’s love and grace comfort and sustain the grieving families. 

2. There is an observable shift in people’s focus during commemoration of the Holy Week especially in the Philippines and more so among Protestant and Catholic Christians in South Korea. While it is theologically founded that the peak of the Holy Week events is Easter Day, the passion, crucifixion and death of Jesus that took place prior to resurrection should not be sidelined. On Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, South Koreans are still on their daily grind at work because these are not holidays unlike in the Philippines where these are observed as holidays. Religious services in churches get attention today to reflect on the sufferings of Jesus Christ, who is believed by Christians as the Son of God, who died as a martyr and scapegoat sacrifice for the sins or disobedience of humanity against the holy will of God. 

3. The arrest and prosecution of Jesus before the Jewish religious leaders, Annas and then to Caiaphas and then to Pilate, the Roman official who although adamant to pass judgement on Jesus, eventually with pressure from the Jewish leaders and the mob made a verdict to have Jesus crucified for he was found guilty of plotting to overthrow the Jewish and Roman political leaders. The Johannine narrative of the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus are full of emotion, perhaps blood pressures were rising in Annas, Caiaphas and Pilate, resisting to get a heart stroke, but persistent and wilful to put to death someone who threatened their political power and religious clout among the people. 

4. The disciples like Judas who betrayed his teacher and leader must have nourished his frustration and the looming manic depression, while Peter struggling with his dissociative tactics and his inability to put his love and empathy of Jesus in the right footing. The other disciples were grappling with fear and intimidation from the police and being implicated in the Jesus’ movement to overthrow the government and the Jewish religious institution. The women disciples and family members were angry and anticipating the worst thing that can happen after the verdict was made and mourn for the passing away of the adorable man who came into their lives and shared with them the vision and hopes of new life and the dawning of the kingdom of God. Most of all the powers of death was overwhelming that put everyone in panic and disorientation. 

5. Jesus faced the brute face and force of the power of death with defiance and assertiveness. He answered the questions from Annas, Caiaphas with confidence and consistency referring to his teachings as true and verifiable and hide nothing from public. Perhaps the verbatim account of the trial was compressed by editors and we could not exactly get the details of the trials, but it is possible that the exchange of questions and answers between them have revealed that Jesus showed evidences that the Roman Empire and the Jewish religious institution failed in providing a better life for the people and only those at the helm of power have benefitted from the labors of shepherds, vineyard workers, and other agricultural workers or producers. In front of Annas Jesus responded about his teachings saying,  ‘I have spoken openly to the world; I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all the Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret. Further in the interrogation he said,,  ‘If I have spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong. But if I have spoken rightly, why do you strike me? 

6. For sure the Jews did not have the authority to pass judgement on someone on the Passover Feast, for indeed the very spirit of the occasion has been freedom from slavery and freedom to life. But the Jewish leaders were part of the coercive and destructive power that oppressed ordinary people that Jesus condemned and worked out to change. Herein, Jesus defied the powers of death and oppression, echoing the same Mosaic demand from release from bondage of institutional and imperial control and set the people free. 

7.  Defying the power of death and oppression has been here in our contemporary world, we have witnessed and participated in mass movements to free people from oppressive policies and many have suffered the consequences of violent and coercive use of police power by the state and the persecution of the religious leaders who have been blinded or corrupted by their power. Jesus was a victim of imperial and institutional violence but he was able to take them because of the higher values of martyrdom and allowing God to take over the reign of darkness and corruption in the world. Let me share what S. Mark Heim  explained about redemptive value of violence in the life of Jesus in his article Saved from Sacrifice: A Theology of the Cross, he said: 

There is a theory about the redemptive value of violence, the saving power of Jesus’ death, already present in the Gospel story. It is believed and propagated by the persecutors. Atonement is precisely the good they have in mind. According to the Gospel writers, it is this drive for sacrificial atonement that kills Jesus. Here is a caution for Christian theology. We must beware that in our reception and interpretation of the Gospel we do not end up entering the passion story on the side of Jesus’ murderers. And the cross cannot be understood without the vindication of the resurrection. Two paragraphs are especially pertinent: If the death of Jesus were a successful sacrifice in the normal mode, it would have succeeded in doing what such sacrifice does: uniting the community, creating calm and (at least for a time) dispelling conflict. 

As the New Testament makes evident, in these terms the cross is a failed sacrifice, despite the near unanimity with which Jesus is executed. Rather than the entire community assenting to the violence and seamlessly closing ranks over the grave of the scapegoat, on whose behalf no one speaks, the crucified one himself appears, vindicated by divine power. A new counter community gathers around the risen Christ, taking the victim’s part, identifying with him, maintaining his innocence. Society is divided, not united by this death. Yet it is not divided by retribution on the part of the victim’s “kin,” by the desire to avenge a martyr, that would ordinarily signal a failed sacrifice. Instead, this new community explicitly rejects both the sacrificial violence that killed Christ and the contagion of revenge that the sacrificial system existed to contain.

8. The crucifixion of Jesus is the rejection of the sacrificial system that the modern day empires and states have propagated wherein ordinary workers, farmers, and the middle class have to endure long hours of work and get meager wages on which they hardly survive. The church and all its institutions and communities must change their orientation from emphasizing sacrifices on believers must rather return to Jesus Christ’s final sacrifice and never allow the powers-that-be to make people as sacrifices to their god of destruction and oppression. The glorification of Jesus Christ on the cross is very reason for Christians to defy the powers of death and oppression on which imperial powers and their cohort states thrive with. Amen.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Reflections on Maundy Thursday
By Frank J. Hernando
17 April 2014
Seoul, Korea

Tonight many Christians around the world will commemorate the evening to remember in the life of Jesus Christ through the reenactment of the Lord's last Supper. Many ministers and common people on the pews having conscious efforts to recollect with full attention to details and almost perfect execution of the eucharist by ministers will make all eyes and ears fixed on the sacred sanctuaries during the breaking of the bread and the pouring of wine or juice.

The occasion of remembering the passion of Jesus caused by the unfolding of the tragic end of his life and ministry would find many pious believers into heartbreaking repentance to receive absolution of their sins or failures to live out a godly life that imitates the life of love Jesus exemplified.

But what is always lacking is the conscious effort to put draw out the meaning of this gospel story from its personalistic overtones to the broader social perspective, that elevates if not translates the truth about God’s passion, death and resurrection into ethical imperatives in the communal, national and global sphere of experience.

On the evening of the great Jewish celebration of the Passover, commemorating God’s saving action in the exodus experience of the Hebrew people from Egyptian captivity, Jesus gathered his disciples to the occasion, while upholding the feast, he transformed it into a new experience and put new meaning into it. Here is the Johannine version of the first Maundy Thursday which I put into sequence with corresponding questions and reflections:

1. Jesus has foreknowledge of his eventual departure from the company of his disciples and of all those who loved him. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. Who are those people Jesus considered or classified as “his own”? Those that Jesus call his own are those whose lives are illumined by the light of God and have refused to be co-opted by the powers of destruction and death. They are those who are willing to build new ways of organizing communities around the values of kingdom of God such as compassion, justice and peace. They are those who have decided or if not willing to renounce the sacrificial system that makes ordinary people the sacrifice for the greed of the powerful and resolved to never again make human life as sacrifices for state or religious group’s greedy goals.

2. God’s action or Judas’? The devil has already put into the heart of Judas to betray Jesus. Jesus has an inkling into Judas secret negotiations with the Jews and the Roman officials of turning him over to their hands as an arrest for one who has violated the laws of the Jewish nation and for plotting a coup d’ e
tat. Exegetes would assume that the devil is an external force but here we can understand that the devil is intrinsic as in discontent of Judas of what Jesus intend to do, a growing frustration that the teacher will end up his ministry in a sublime movement and fail to transform the social realities in which the disciples and the followers live.

3. Ritual of foot washing was misunderstood by Peter. Water symbolizes cleansing, the removal of dirt from the body which Peter thought he will be cleansed and more acceptable to God when his head, hands and feet are washed. Jesus insisted he would not do Peter’s wish, for those who have bathed need not wash his feet. Jesus is saying that the Jewish authorities have assumed the position of being on the side of the “cleansed” people, rather than hoping to be cleansed by the love and compassion of God.

4. The disciples should wash each other’s feet--symbolic of acceptance of each other, of mutuality and love for each other, emulating Jesus’ way of caring for others. Mutuality in the community of faith is essential for compassion and love to grow. Many churches and communities and society itself have thrive and benefited in the hierarchical and patriarchal structures they stand and work for. Jesus taught the reverse structure by illustrating to them the way the kingdom of God must be lived-out.

5. The betrayer revealed in a manner obscured from the disciples, the dipping of bread in the cup. Judas knew what Jesus’ action meant, so he left the house and got lost in the night, a voluntary departure and exclusion from the fold of disciples. It seemed that the other disciples were unaware of the psychological undercurrent between Jesus and Judas, because they thought Jesus told Judas to purchase materials for their celebration of the Passover. But Judas and Jesus knew that this is the moment when the betrayal will happen because at the temple of Jerusalem the charges against Jesus was brewing up and Judas was already identified as one of the collaborators to get Jesus into their scheme of accusations and religious bigotry.

6. At the moment of Judas’ departure and voluntary exclusion, Jesus declared that he has been glorified and God has glorified him--meaning that Judas betrayal and the succeeding events that would follow-his arrest, trial, conviction of blasphemy, rebellion, etc, crucifixion and death were parts of the whole process of glorification. God’s design for the world is really amazing, albeit confusing in the sense that allowing God’s son to be the last and final human sacrifice to atone the corrupt, violent, unjust human predicament was not humane and just after all.

The gruesome experience of the slaughtered human sacrifice would break us but this is the glorification of God’s son, for Jesus believes that once this final sacrifice is done, the world will come to realize that God’s justice and love cannot be captured in time and space, no, not in the Garden of Gethsemane, neither on the cross of Golgotha nor in the dark tomb of death. This is powerful beyond one’s imagination that God’s love is victorious over the state or the temple’s greed and violence. Let us join Jesus in his agonizing moments so we may share his glory in defeating the powers that be. Amen.

Church on Revival: Moving Forward, Claiming, and Growing

  Thematic Sermon: Church on Revival: Moving Forward, Claiming, and Growing Occasion: Children of the Kingdom Church, UMC Address: 16 Beso...