Monday, April 28, 2014


KASAMMAKO or the Unity of Filipino Migrant Workers Associations in Korea, on this Migrant Workers Labor event, expresses deep sympathy and condolences to the bereaved families of all casualties of the Sewol-ho ferry accident.

KASAMMAKO gives full support and solidarity to all migrant workers in Korea and around the world in asserting our labor and human rights and urge governments of the Republic of Korea and of our home countries to respect and uphold these rights. We believe that the proletarian working class is the leading force in the economic, political and social change in society and the world. We continue to work in alliance with other democratic and progressive forces that struggle to stop modern-day slavery of workers in the neo-liberal globalization.

Since last week, the US President Barack Obama is moving around the countries of Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines to strengthen the United States’ stranglehold on national sovereignty, the coveting and exploitation of the natural resources of countries in the region, and ensures that these countries will remain strong defenders of the geo-political and military presence in Asia-Pacific. The US only secures its interests and does not care about the plight of ordinary people in Asia.

We oppose the US “Pivot to Asia”, which is a multi-layered offensive that includes the further deployment or “rebalancing” of US military forces and military bases into the region and the drive to forge a long-sought Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). This will also consolidate and expand its strategic alliances with selected countries in the region. These objectives are part of the long-term efforts of US imperialism to advance its economic, political and military interests and reassert its preeminent power in the region.

In same vein, we protest Barack Obama’s signing with BS Aquino of the “Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement" (EDCA) between the US and the Philippines, despite questions on its constitutionality. "The agreement gives the US full access to Philippine facility and to set up US military bases within Philippine military camps, and to launch military operations in Philippine territory under the name of joint military exercises. When this agreement is signed this will intensify violations of human rights and of the international humanitarian law. More so the continuation of the dire economic situation of many Filipinos which is the main cause of forced migration.

Forced migration of many Filipinos and other Asians are caused by the unjust economic development in our home countries and in the world. Workers rights are violated by employers and corporations so they may gain maximum profits from the labor of workers and employees. Today, we, migrant workers in South Korea join forces together to express our real situation and present our demands for the respect and protection of our labor rights. Our demands are:

A. To the government of South Korea:

1. Repeal the policy revision on refund of severance/pension claims of migrant workers after their contract ends or deported from the country.
2. Replace the oppressive EPS policy with just and employment system, where migrant workers exercise freedom to choose jobs that fit them, where their labor and human rights are respected.
3. Repeal the Immigration Control Act that severely impact migrant workers, stop crackdown and deportations; transform immigration policies that grant migrant workers the right to live with families in Korea.
4. Legislate and guarantee equal pay for equal work.
5. Guarantee equal right to work and sojourn for overseas Korean migrant workers

B. To the government of the Philippines:

1. Put a halt to forced migration! Create jobs at home!
2. Approve the passage of the P125 Wage Hike Bill. Workers urgently need significant wage increase amidst soaring prices of commodities.
3. Stop crackdown! The Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) should recall their memorandum on forced deportation of non-documented migrant workers in Korea which is in collaboration with the South Korean immigration office and the MOEL.
4. NO to return of US Bases in the Philippines and “Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement" (EDCA). Uphold and respect national sovereignty and self-determination.
5. NO to U.S. Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)! This is an instrument of neo-colonization and imperialist pillage of national economies and people’s democratic rights for humane and just economic development
6. Resume peace talks between National Democratic Front-Philippines and the Government of Philippines.
7. Stop extra-judicial killings that already killed many labor, peasant, tribal community, youth and student leaders in the Philippines.
8. Prosecute and penalize all political leaders involved in Pork Barrel scam!


27 April 2014
Seoul, Korea

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