Thursday, February 05, 2015

“Accountability rather than blame…reconciliation rather than retribution…peace rather than war”--NCC-Philippines

The National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) together with all in our nation continues to mourn the deaths of those who lost their lives in the tragic conflict in Mamasapano, Maguindanao. We mourn with the grieving families of the PNPSAF (Philippine National Police Special Action Force) members, we weep with the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) families who have lost loved ones, with those elements that the PNP had engaged as force multipliers and with the civilians who were also killed and injured.

Fr. Rex RB. Reyes, Jr., General Secretary of the NCCP said “we join the nation in questioning why our police were so inadequately coordinated and equipped for the encounter they were engaged in, we question why the ceasefire protocols agreed to by the government with the MILF were not respected, we question what role president Aquino had in ordering this tragic operation, and the real reasons behind its prosecution.”

“We find it incomprehensible” said Fr. Reyes “why the Administration of President Aquino, that has so strongly stated it is all for peace, would engage in such an adventurist operation when its plans for a peace settlement were at such a critical stage.” Fr Reyes said that “we are outraged that what appears to be a poorly coordinated and ill-conceived operation, has not only resulted in the loss of precious lives on all sides, but has given reason for the voices of those who seek war rather than peace in Mindanao to unfortunately find strength and support.”

The NCCP fears that these events challenge the authenticity of President Aquino’s commitment to peace. Fr Reyes said “We fear that rather than bringing the nation closer to peace, the ineptitude of our President has brought us closer to war.” From the tragic experiences of the past it is clear that the loss of life, the displacement, the loss of livelihoods that would result from any renewed conflict in Mindanao would be even worse than the events that unfolded in the corn fields of Mamasapano, Maguindanao. Fr. Reyes said “We call on all parties to the conflict in Mindanao to do all within their power to pursue peace. We call on our political leaders of all persuasions to seek to calm our nation at this critical time rather than to inflame sentiments of revenge. We call on our president for transparency, honesty and contrition where needed. We pray that there may be accountability rather than blame, there may be reconciliation rather than retribution, and there may be peace rather than war.” “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matt 5:9)


General Secretary – NCCP

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