Monday, April 11, 2005

Unidentified Company

Walking alone in the rural areas especially embarking on mountain climbing in the Philippines can be a dangerous pursuit. It is important that whenever you go to the countrysides you must have a company preferably local natives who know the terrain and the political situation in the area.

Last week there were two important events that catch the attention of the world--the death and funeral service for Pope John Paul II and last Saturday the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles the Duchess of Cornwall. These are prominent people in our world and that they can never be mistaken as somebody else. It looks like our Lord Jesus Christ in his resurrected body was incognito even among his disciples. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-25) did not know they were talking to Jesus. Why is this incognito presence of Christ among his people?

The disciples were in a state of shock. They were scared to talk to strangers and especially to those whom they have no association whatsoever. Walking to Emmaus was a kind of escape from the fear-laden experiences of the past few days. Perhaps going to the suburb was a respite for some of his disciples. But an unidentified presence of the Risen Christ was unexpected. His voice and conjectures seem odd to the disciples as they talk about the Law and the Prophets. Was his voice changed because of the resurrection? or the disciples had the slightest idea who that was. The sheep knows the shepherd's voice! Indeed the person talking to them on the road was more than human, because it has the inflection that is characteristically confident and assuring.

John Kavanaugh, S.J. in his meditation The Word Embodied said: The story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus presents a strange state of affairs indeed. Jesus was more with them on their journey, even in their doubt and unbelief, than they actually saw and recognized him and finally believed. And it was only in retrospect that they could see that their hearts were enkindled as they were walking and talkling on the road--even though they did not know that it was he who was explaining to them.

Truth about a person can be veiled by layers of personal commitments and arrangements. This fact encourages us to talk it out with a known or identified company, but God in Christ can also be our unrecognized and unidentified company who longs to be listened to and waits for our company. Try walking the road to Emmaus.

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