Monday, May 30, 2011

Reflections on Easter Day

The women who were at the cross on Friday and who had mourn on Saturday until the dawn of the third day came to the tomb where Jesus dead body was laid only to find out that the rock that covered the entrance of the tomb was moved to the side, a suspicion that the dead Jody was stolen or some people have taken it away for their own purposes. But when they entered the tomb they angels in bright shining robes asking them if they were looking for Jesus and told them that Jesus has risen. Then Mary Magdalene cried outside the tomb was greeted by Jesus and she declared that indeed Jesus is alive.

Jesus resurrected from the dead not as a kind of dead man walking, nor as terminator computer humanoid but in an immortal body. The women and the male disciples could not explain the phenomenon of the resurrection, because it is just impossible. Jesus appearance among the disciples by the seashore preparing breakfast for them and Thomas' touching of his side and punctured hands are great testimonies to the veracity of the resurrection.

Christianity claims the lordship of Jesus who is the Christ--meaning the Messiah or Savior of the world. The son of the carpenter, the organizer of small fisher folks, the herbalist who had cure for various ailments, the social worker who has great talent in psychology who exorcised demons--greed, avarice, and various forms of personality disfunction, and an activist who challenge the Jewish religious leaders and the Roman empire authorities had been the ethical foundations of churches and societies. But the institutional church has him a possession and a tool of domination. Western civilizations has enshrined Jesus in their constitutions and laws--punitive and discriminative laws and that a non Christian society or organization is an enemy or a suspect of terroristic acts.

Having faith in resurrection is an assertion that God's life should not be co-opted by the powers of death. The resurrected power of Jesus must be reclaimed by the poor who have been victims of those who have claims of Christ.

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