The trial of Jesus at Pilate's palace was concluded, the flogging and the crown of thorns shed blood from the body of Jesus. He was sentenced by the Empire to be crucified. The king's robe was taken back and he has to carry the cross to Mount Golgotta.
The Romans and the Jews followed the process of crucifixion for ordinary criminals for Jesus. Beneath the cross were women closest to him and the beloved disciple. He uttered words that we now called 'Siete Palabras' or the seven last words. Historians and theologians have interpreted these words in many ways that suit their purposes. For Christians these words are nothing else than their own. Especially to the suffering and exploited people Jesus words on the cross are their own life stories.
God forgive them for they know not what they are doing, is not forgetting the extent of violence inflicted on them by the powers that be, but sifting their emotional response from the protracted struggle that must be pursued while life lasts.
Today you will be with me in paradise. This is realized paradise not founded on the primeval Garden of Eden but on the great resolve that working for justice is a minute everyday work that must be shown in their social relations.
Dear woman here is your son. Resting in the assurance that women will always take care of their children or children have to provide for their aging parents have been transcended with the understanding that within families blood relations must give way for social affinity and responsibility.
Why have you forsaken me? For billions of years our solar system has evolved into what we have now, where there is order and peace. Think of the chaos that it went through and we can say that in chaos and total darkness we are forsaken. We are forsaken whenever there are situations of chaos such as present in the world today, wars of aggression, extrajudicial killings, poverty, unemployment, human and natural disasters. By understanding the chaotic situations where we live we can work on possibilities for the reversal of such situations.
I am thirsty. Jesus felt the thirst as his body was losing much water and thirst signifies that exhaustion has seep in and finally death is approaching while hanging on the cross. The parched earth need rain to regain life. Our physical world has been devastated by too much greed and selfishness. Our environment is parched and is near death because of overuse and exploitation. Our lives become parched when it is lived in possessiveness and unbridled acquisitiveness.
It is finished. Jesus declared it--his suffering on the cross. The Sacrifice for the redemption of depraved humanity is completed and it is for human beings to take upon themselves the once and for all human sacrifice. Those who have declared themselves Christians have to stop human sacrifices for the sake of national security or in the name of Western democracy. Jesus crucifixion is enough and sufficient sacrifice fir all humanity and for all time.
I entrust my spirit into your hands. The people struggling for justice and peace could no longer entrust their future to their chosen political leaders because the leaders who are expected to protect their lives are those who devour them, stripping them of their humans dignity and imperiled their future.
Good Friday is a reminder to all Christians that this Jesus that the empire has crucified will remain to be crucified unless the suffering people are freed from the monumental poverty, exploitation and violence.
Thoughts and reflections that inspires the soul and life as a whole. It is a venue for creative expressions grounded on the faith dimensions and of creation itself.
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