Monday, July 20, 2020

Muted and alienated

Frank J. Hernando

May 20, 2020

Muted and alienated

Musings and remorse in the season of pandemic

(First published online at Silliman University Divinity School Skepse)


Scripture Texts: Psalm 143

1  Hear my prayer, O Lord;

    give ear to my supplications in your faithfulness;

    answer me in your righteousness.

2 Do not enter into judgment with your servant,

    for no one living is righteous before you.

3 For the enemy has pursued me,

    crushing my life to the ground,

    making me sit in darkness like those long dead.

4 Therefore my spirit faints within me;

    my heart within me is appalled.

5 I remember the days of old,

    I think about all your deeds,

    I meditate on the works of your hands.

6 I stretch out my hands to you;

    my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.Selah

7 Answer me quickly, O Lord;

    my spirit fails.

Do not hide your face from me,

    or I shall be like those who go down to the Pit.

8 Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning,

    for in you I put my trust.

Teach me the way I should go,

    for to you I lift up my soul.

9 Save me, O Lord, from my enemies;

    I have fled to you for refuge.[a]

1Teach me to do your will,

    for you are my God.

Let your good spirit lead me

    on a level path.

11 For your name’s sake, O Lord, preserve my life.

    In your righteousness bring me out of trouble.

12 In your steadfast love cut off my enemies,

    and destroy all my adversaries,

    for I am your servant.




Muted and alienated ...


I'm having a kind of ambivalence 

If not confusion, or worse recalcitrance---

what to feel and more importantly 

what to expect in the coming weeks and months 

working in the National Capital Region (NCR). 


I felt like I have been muted, 

unable to be physically present in meetings and conferences 

to deliver sermons or presentations. 

All my invitations in the annual sessions cancelled.

I felt like I have been immobilized, 

unable to go farther away from the national office 

or from Project 6. 

My world got smaller everyday due to restrictions 

imposed by the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) 

in Luzon and then the entire country.


Anxiety driven and threats of death ...


The pandemic has instilled the fear of infection. 

The moment one is infected, 

one has already received his death certificate 

where written COVID-19 as cause of death. 

The declaration of the Enhance Community Quarantine 

or lock down was not well thought of by the government, 

It was drastic, compulsive, militarist.


What was in their minds?

The easy way to do a lock down 

is to do it military style of quarantine. 

It is cheaper to lock down people 

in their homes and communities, 

instead of launching mass virus testing programs. 


South Korea imposed mass testing program, although not perfect at all,

by establishing drive-in testing sites 

at the entrances and exits 

of highways and expressways

Swabbing everyone who enters and exits key cities and towns.

Here, armed military personnel checked on 

Quarantine pass, IDs and cargoes of trucks.


Employment and wages lost ...


Millions of people have to stop working, 

the pandemic revealed the ugly consequences 

of the nation's class society. 

The metropolis was in a standstill. 

The nearby public school has no more children playing, 

or chanting their songs and rhymes, 


No longer can be heard the noisy Lambada music from the jeepney 

leaving the compound to have its pasada to Quiapo and Pier

The jeepneys have been parked here since the first day of ECQ 

drivers are either stranded in location 

or gone to their homes, and just like us, locked down.

EDSA has been decongested of vehicles 

and the noisy deafening beep sounds of impatient motorists gone,

And there was silence, at times eerie. 


Quarantined ...


Means staying indoors for most of my waking hours,

Occasionally, going to the talipapa to get fresh meat 

and fish supply has become a routine for the last nine weeks

Going to the grocery store in big malls 

means taking your whole afternoon 

as you slowly move forward in the long cue of customers

Just to get a pack of ground coffee, fruits, 

and other basic supplies good for a week


Hoarding of groceries was a common scene 

in grocery stores of shopping malls

practiced by those who have the money, 

Too little or nothing at all for those with less in life

Cooking for yourself, eating alone, singing alone, praying alone

Listening to daily morning and evening newscast,

Newscasts give the head count of infected, deaths, recoveries

Complaints of poor citizens waiting for food relief packs, 

social amelioration fund, DOLE unemployment support 

was hard to access and come by.


Rights violated, hopes dimmed ...


People losing control of their economic life, 

those asserting their right to economic support 

were jailed, killed, penalized

Those who like to stay outdoors were called 'pasaway' and punished, 

as if their right place is indoors all their lives 

Those who resist the quarantine were ordered shot or jailed

Government judges were alerted to issue warrant of arrests

For those who violate quarantine protocols

Why would Bayanihan for Healing as One Act seemed iron fisted?

The people have further been abused and their rights doubly violated.

"We will not die of COVID-19

But surely we will die of hunger, patay sa gutom,"

People in distress murmured.


Domicile becomes hallowed spaces ...


Working from home--

Means not leaving your familiar domestic spaces,

Your dining table is also your desk,

Plastic chairs have practically replaced 

the cushioned executive swivel chair

You don't have to walk several meters away to refill your coffee cup

It is just literally within your reach,

But be careful not to spill your hot coffee on your laptop computer.

Ah very tempting, when brain fatigue occurs,

The comfy bed is just few steps away.


You received requests from workmates, 

answered emails, write project proposals,

and all that are necessary for the invisible office to run.

The absence of face-to-face meetings 

Makes my mind and heart crave for very personal interaction

It might be good to read messages and emails

Or sit in teleconferencing in Zoom or FB messenger

No personal and cultural nuances exposed.


So there are people who likes to impose on others their prerogatives,

Compulsions disclosed, repulsions kept.

I hope that someday, somehow, what has been coined as "new normal"

Will restore our humanity, our human touch, sensitivity,

Intimacy and empathy as God's people.


Praying for God's strength ...


Dear God strengthen my heart and empower my will,

My spirit is weakening, my resilience is diminishing, 

Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning 

for in you I put my trust.

Teach me the way I should go, 

for to you I lift up my soul. Amen. +



“But be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them. (Mark 13:9).

 Rev. Dan San Andres Sr., as a servant of the Lord Jesus, is a good, honest, hardworking, and courageous defender of human rights. He is assigned as a Church Worker at UCCP Sipocot, Camarines Sur. His teachings and actions are in accordance with the UCCP’s Statement of Faith, Declaration of Principles, and in fulfillment of its laws, such as the protection of human rights.

 He firmly believes that protecting and upholding human rights is an imperative based on the UCCP’s Declaration of Principles in Article II, Section 11. Section 11. In accordance with the biblical understanding that all persons are created in the image of God, the Church affirms and upholds the inviolability of the rights of persons as reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other agreements on human rights, the international covenants on economic, social and cultural rights and on civil and political rights, the 1984 Convention against Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and those that relate specifically to refugees, women, youth, children, minority groups and other persons who cannot safeguard their own rights. 

 Therefore, the ministry of Rev. Dan San Andres Sr., as a servant-leader, in defense of human rights is in line with the UCCP’s belief and teachings. His flocks are not only members of the UCCP, but like Jesus the Good Shepherd, he has other flocks to take care of, including people suffering from oppression and human rights violations (John 10:16). Rev. San Andres served as Conference Minister of the North Bicol Conference during Bishop Eliezer M. Pascua’s incumbency as Bishop assigned to South Luzon Jurisdictional Area. Currently, he is the Chairperson of the Christian Witness and Service Committee of the Conference. One of the mandates of the committee he is currently leading is to protect and uphold human rights. 

 As Bishops of the Church, we condemn the accusation hurled on Rev. Dan San Andres Sr. and Jenelyn Nagrampa, who were both allegedly accomplices of the ambush that happened on May 13, 2018, and resulted to the killings of two members of Philippine Army. This accusation are pure lies and fabrication. Rev. Dan San Andres Sr. and Jenelyn Nagrampa were issued a subpoena last October 2019. Through their lawyers and witnesses, these allegations were answered and refuted in December 2019. According to the members of UCCP Sipocot, Camarines Sur, last May 13, 2018, when the alleged ambush took place, Rev. Dan San Andres was physically present in the Church leading the Sunday worship service and they were celebrating Mother’s Day. It is contrary to the Philippine Army’s statement that he was among the alleged NPAs who ambushed the soldiers at that same time and day. Fabricated cases like these only show that LIES are the foundation of the system of oppression and injustice. 

This experience has been happening in our nation over and over again since the dark days of MARTIAL LAW. It seems to be the pattern of the social system –to silenced the truth, those who tell the truth, and those who stand for truth. Therefore, we, members of the Council of Bishops of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) demand for the immediate release of Rev. Dan San Andres Sr. and Jenelyn Nagrampa. We call on the government to stop the persecution of the Church. 

July 10, 2020 

 Bishop Melzar D. Labuntog General Secretary Bishop Joseph G. Agpaoa North Luzon Jurisdictional Area Bishop Emergencio D. Padillo Middle Luzon Jurisdictional Area Bishop Joel E. Tendero South Luzon Jurisdictional Area Bishop Jerome C. Baris East Visayas Jurisdictional Area Bishop Feliciana P. Tenchavez West Visayas Jurisdictional Area Bishop Ligaya F. San Francisco Northwest Mindanao Jurisdictional Area Bishop Hamuel G. Tequis Southeast Mindanao Jurisdictional Area 

 Bishops Emeritus: Bishop Arturo R. Asi Bishop Jezer E. Bertoldo Bishop Isaias L. Bingtan Bishop Erme R. Camba Bishop Ebenezer C. Camino Bishop Constante D. Claro Bishop Gabriel A. Garol Bishop Hilario M. Gomez, Jr. Bishop Marino I. Inong Bishop Reuel Norman O. Marigza Bishop Roel P. Mendoza Bishop Jaime R. Moriles Bishop Eliezer M. Pascua Bishop Dulce Pia-Rose Bishop Elorde M. Sambat Bishop Anacleto G. Serafica Bishop Jessie S. Suarez Bishop Rizalino Q. Taganas Bishop Modesto D. Villasanta 



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