Monday, July 20, 2020


“But be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them. (Mark 13:9).

 Rev. Dan San Andres Sr., as a servant of the Lord Jesus, is a good, honest, hardworking, and courageous defender of human rights. He is assigned as a Church Worker at UCCP Sipocot, Camarines Sur. His teachings and actions are in accordance with the UCCP’s Statement of Faith, Declaration of Principles, and in fulfillment of its laws, such as the protection of human rights.

 He firmly believes that protecting and upholding human rights is an imperative based on the UCCP’s Declaration of Principles in Article II, Section 11. Section 11. In accordance with the biblical understanding that all persons are created in the image of God, the Church affirms and upholds the inviolability of the rights of persons as reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other agreements on human rights, the international covenants on economic, social and cultural rights and on civil and political rights, the 1984 Convention against Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and those that relate specifically to refugees, women, youth, children, minority groups and other persons who cannot safeguard their own rights. 

 Therefore, the ministry of Rev. Dan San Andres Sr., as a servant-leader, in defense of human rights is in line with the UCCP’s belief and teachings. His flocks are not only members of the UCCP, but like Jesus the Good Shepherd, he has other flocks to take care of, including people suffering from oppression and human rights violations (John 10:16). Rev. San Andres served as Conference Minister of the North Bicol Conference during Bishop Eliezer M. Pascua’s incumbency as Bishop assigned to South Luzon Jurisdictional Area. Currently, he is the Chairperson of the Christian Witness and Service Committee of the Conference. One of the mandates of the committee he is currently leading is to protect and uphold human rights. 

 As Bishops of the Church, we condemn the accusation hurled on Rev. Dan San Andres Sr. and Jenelyn Nagrampa, who were both allegedly accomplices of the ambush that happened on May 13, 2018, and resulted to the killings of two members of Philippine Army. This accusation are pure lies and fabrication. Rev. Dan San Andres Sr. and Jenelyn Nagrampa were issued a subpoena last October 2019. Through their lawyers and witnesses, these allegations were answered and refuted in December 2019. According to the members of UCCP Sipocot, Camarines Sur, last May 13, 2018, when the alleged ambush took place, Rev. Dan San Andres was physically present in the Church leading the Sunday worship service and they were celebrating Mother’s Day. It is contrary to the Philippine Army’s statement that he was among the alleged NPAs who ambushed the soldiers at that same time and day. Fabricated cases like these only show that LIES are the foundation of the system of oppression and injustice. 

This experience has been happening in our nation over and over again since the dark days of MARTIAL LAW. It seems to be the pattern of the social system –to silenced the truth, those who tell the truth, and those who stand for truth. Therefore, we, members of the Council of Bishops of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) demand for the immediate release of Rev. Dan San Andres Sr. and Jenelyn Nagrampa. We call on the government to stop the persecution of the Church. 

July 10, 2020 

 Bishop Melzar D. Labuntog General Secretary Bishop Joseph G. Agpaoa North Luzon Jurisdictional Area Bishop Emergencio D. Padillo Middle Luzon Jurisdictional Area Bishop Joel E. Tendero South Luzon Jurisdictional Area Bishop Jerome C. Baris East Visayas Jurisdictional Area Bishop Feliciana P. Tenchavez West Visayas Jurisdictional Area Bishop Ligaya F. San Francisco Northwest Mindanao Jurisdictional Area Bishop Hamuel G. Tequis Southeast Mindanao Jurisdictional Area 

 Bishops Emeritus: Bishop Arturo R. Asi Bishop Jezer E. Bertoldo Bishop Isaias L. Bingtan Bishop Erme R. Camba Bishop Ebenezer C. Camino Bishop Constante D. Claro Bishop Gabriel A. Garol Bishop Hilario M. Gomez, Jr. Bishop Marino I. Inong Bishop Reuel Norman O. Marigza Bishop Roel P. Mendoza Bishop Jaime R. Moriles Bishop Eliezer M. Pascua Bishop Dulce Pia-Rose Bishop Elorde M. Sambat Bishop Anacleto G. Serafica Bishop Jessie S. Suarez Bishop Rizalino Q. Taganas Bishop Modesto D. Villasanta 



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