Saturday, March 26, 2005

Black Saturday is Glorious Indeed

Today is Black Saturday or Sabado de gloria. It is black because Christianity observe it as a day when Jesus' mortal body was laid in the tomb. As the Gospel records it, on the day after the Sabbath day, that is, on the first day of the week, Jesus rose from the dead--thus the reality of the empty tomb. Easter Sunday became the centerpiece of the Christian faith. The resurrected Jesus is the Lord of life and history. He is Jesus Christ who is alive and lives and works among us.

In my internet search for Easter meditations I came across the web site called 'Homiletics on line' where it describes the modern method of dead body preservation called 'cryogenic treatment'. Let me briefly quote this material:

The body of baseball superstar Ted Williams has been put in a freezer, in the hope that this will give him a shot at new life. Sadly, there are plenty of people who are content with a Cryonics Christ. Cryogenics has been all over the news this past year, largely because of the controversy surrounding the freezing of baseball superstar Ted Williams, the "Splended Splinter," one of the greatest players in history and the last Major Leaguer to bat over 400 in a season. When Ted died on July 5 last Summer, a fight broke among his children, pitting his oldest daughter against his youngest son. The daughter wanted his father cremated and his ashes scattered off the Florida coast, as his 1996 will made clear. But the son and another daughter wanted to put the slugger on ice, arguing that they signed a pact with their father in November 2000, agreeing that their bodies would be frozen. The son had Ted's body carted to a cryogenics lab in Scottsdale, ARizona, shortly after his death, and he remains there today, suspended upside down wuth two other bodies in the tomb of liquid nitrogen frozen at minus 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
So Williams was put on ice on the off chance that someday someone might be able to thaw him out and spring him loose.

Well, this is quite interesting. What does this means to us? A possibility of believing in a frozen Christ or becoming frozen Christians! I can't imagine a Christ that is frozen inside a freezer and then take him out or thaw him when you need him. This Christ was not frozen, he is risen from the dead. He is alive and with us now. Happy Easter friends!

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